We like shopping at ALDI because they have great promotions and a large selection of goods. And now shopping at ALDI is an even better experience for us – we are convinced that the employees of the store feel warm in the feet. And that’s an important thing. When they lead us through the aisles to the product we are looking for, we feel calm and full of gratitude. Because they chose us to sew branded socks for the internal needs of their brand. Check what we have created together!
It feels great when a brand you really like speaks out about what you truly love. Of course, we are talking about ALDI and socks. People from ALDI contacted us to design socks not for sale, but as part of their internal projects, including employer branding. And we like such tasks the most, because we believe that the way to someone’s heart must be patiently followed. In our socks, of course. So we took action.
ALDI has it all – and socks from Socks Factory
We associate ALDI with a basket full of favorite products at a good price, spreading the zero waste idea and knowledge of trends – just look at their latest proprietary merch. When you see what ALDI is doing, you want to be a part of it. We became it, sewing pairs of socks to order. Each of them was decorated with a carefully embroidered ALDI logotype and a simple text with the meaning: We are driven by people. SIMPLY. The ALDI team focused on colors characteristic of its brand. The base color was therefore pure, cool white, which was broken by shades of blue and red.
Socks for your people. SIMPLY!
Socks designed by ALDI have been used in many internal initiatives, such as ALDI Quiz or Poland Business Run. They could also be won by people taking part in various competitions of the brand (ALDI Praca, Advent Calendar) conducted in social media. We are glad that with our actions we could contribute to the implementation of ALDI internal projects. And we sincerely believe that our warm socks warm many feet every day, traversing shop aisles and office corridors. Thank you for trusting ALDI!
If you want to design branded socks, write to us. As a manufacture and manufacturer of socks, we sew with craft care, but on a large scale. Contact us and see what we can do for you. PS If you want to do everything 100% remotely, it’s no problem. We are prepared for it!